The new “third rail” in American journalism now appears to be Hillary Clinton’s health. Discuss it and either your career as a broadcaster will be shortened as Dr. Drew discovered, or your listening audience will be reduced as Michael Savage just learned.
If you missed the story about Dr. Drew and his program being cut by CNN after he discussed Hillary’s possible illnesses, you can get up to speed here.
So what happened to Savage after he committed the same offense as Dr. Drew?
So, assuming this actually happened, it would be his network or some affiliates who cut this idiot off. It certainly would not have been some government plot. As private enterprises, his employer and the stations have a perfect right to air or not air any of his diatribes. I happen to know that Savage doesn’t even believe the nonsense he spouts on air. He used to just be a San Francisco North Beach barfly, who thought up a good scheme to get rich. His politics were mildly left wing, certainly nothing like the foolish he pretends to believe. As H. L. Mencken said long ago “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public”.
“So, assuming this actually happened, it would be his network or some affiliates who cut this idiot off. It certainly would not have been some government plot.” That’s exactly the point. At least 90% of media is owned and run by liberals. The fact that they can, and do, silence dissent at the drop of a hat should scare anyone. Geraldo Rivera, who is a liberal, works for Fox News, but you don’t see them cutting his mic when he goes on one of his liberal rants. The media, in general, is the only entity in the country with a lower approval rating than Congress.
Please , stop sending me this b******t .. Thank you
My family has been here since before it was a country and they have fought in every conflict to keep our country a democracy. These dems are acting just like the communist before ww11. Ask the people that were killed by germans, oh ya, you can’t because they’re dead. These dems and the U.N. are trying to make a new world order, where we have no rights unless they give them to you. Wise up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone is hiding the very serious life threatening health conditions of hillary to illegally get her in to the white house. She owns every one n is paying big time to people to keep their mouths shut. She is evil corrupt lying approves of every thing obama does n will continue to totally destroy America
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise”
– Voltaire
Even Huma said “her head is not right.” Well, brain damage has never been a drawback for a Democrat.
Once free speech goes, all your other civil liberties will fall like dominos.
Big Dem Media must keep their followers in the dark.
we sure are, question is are we gonna stand here and take this or are we ALL gonna vote Nov the 8th for Donald J. Trump for President? These people voting for Hellary are all traitors to the USA , they wanna open the borders and they wanna bring Syrian refugees , now tell me what good doing all this is gonna do for and to this country. people nedd to do some research on what Russia is doing and getting ready to do, Hellary has been openly downing Russia and Putin and this isn’t gonna turn out good for ANY OF US, I don’t know about you all but if this war starts its gonna get bad, REAL BAD! its even said this can and most likely will become NUCLEAR…are dems really wanting nuclear war here in the US? I’m not ready to gamble on my family and friends lives…RESEARCH “Hillary War Russia” World war 3 will begin if Hillary wins and Putin said he will start it if he has to and if Hillary wins RESEARCH it will only take 5 minutes of YOUR LIFE!!