The new “third rail” in American journalism now appears to be Hillary Clinton’s health. Discuss it and either your career as a broadcaster will be shortened as Dr. Drew discovered, or your listening audience will be reduced as Michael Savage just learned.
If you missed the story about Dr. Drew and his program being cut by CNN after he discussed Hillary’s possible illnesses, you can get up to speed here.
So what happened to Savage after he committed the same offense as Dr. Drew?
Freedom of the press/media??????
Interesting how these things just pop up. ….Nothing to see here folks just move along ….. and remember —- vote early and vote often ……….. Savage, host of the nationally syndicated The Savage Nation radio program, was discussing Hillary’s health and suggested she may have Parkinson’s disease when he was alerted that his show had been pulled from the air on New York’s WABC radio.
Not long after discovering he was pulled from WABC, as Savage was telling his audience what happened in New York, his live feed was suddenly cut off to many of his other affiliates and a replay of an earlier episode was substituted for the live feed.
Me thinks they doth protest too much. She’s not just morally ill.
“She is not even in office yet”
love freedom of speech,right!
She’s not
Now he will commit suicide by shooting himself in the back twice.
Can’t even talk about it? Man, I’m telling you. Lol. The game plan is the first female POTUS pulling up in a hearse. Mark my words.