Islam, the religion of Peace, has a message for you damned heretics:
“Soon, we will trample you underfoot, Allah willing. Europe has become old and decrepit and needs human reinforcement….they are not motivated by compassion for the Levant, its people and its refugees,” said Top Imam Muhammed Ayed at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
The Imam declares that migrants to Europe must breed and make pregnant the women there; We Shall Conquer Their Countries!
You think he is joking? Read his follow up comments on the next page:
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Kefas Matthew Sambo you try that here,you will die like the goat smelling dog you are…not a threat,a promise…
I just hope the puke remembers that America is Young Country, FULL of young, willing, and able PATRIOTS! Enter at your own risk…..those seeking death will find it here…
@Rod….. Threats are sweet to issue but it remains to be seen if you can carry them out…. it’s a pity that everything I have said is your fate but you are blinded by so-called enlightenment that you can’t see it till it sweeps you away like a typhoon….. It’s quite a pity and I pray for understanding to illuminate your dark mind.
For MOSLEM men that’s not the point, they will wait until Allah brings one their way and they will carry out Allah’s will without hesitation as Allah wants them to reproduce and be many on the day of resurrection. It doesn’t matter if it is by a lasting marriage or not! Their aim is to reproduce their kind and they will stop at nothing to achieve that.
Kefas Matthew Sambo yes the unlimited freedom. As long as you do not harm others. Or intrude on their rights and personal freedoms. Its as if you are saying. That a man has more of a right to rape. Than a woman has a right to not get raped. That mentality is pure evil and any who think that way. Need to be in prison for all their lives. Why is so hard to believe that men are not the masters of women? Women have free will and are human beings. They are never to be raped under any circumstances. You see that’s the difference between the West and backwards Islamic nations. The West respects the rights of women. Women are not rocks, diamonds, metals etc. They are human beings. Who have just as many rights as a man. They should decide for themselves who to have sex with. Not have it forced apon them. Women are precious and must be treated with respect and dignity. If Muslim men are so savage that they behave like sex crazed monkeys. Then laws must be made to contain them. Have Muslims no self control? What if your mother’s and daughters were raped? Would you tell them they deserved it? Sadly i think you would….
Women denying sex to men. Is not torture any who it is torture. Are disgusting,mentally ill and preverse.
Muslim men seem to think of women. As nothing more than concubines. Vessels for making children. It is pure evil and an ideology that must be vanquished from the earth!
Women are precious and must be treated with respect and dignity. I like those lines but where is the dignity in a woman who exposes all body parts as if shopping for a buyer and you know that there are different types of buyers…… there are aggressive buyers and there are civilized buyers…… don’t flaunt all those erogeneous body parts to aggressive buyers. It is not a right to rape a woman but I want you to know that MOSLEM who are not used to seeing scantily dressed western women would be under so much firy urge to rape
Watch out young girls-they just want you to propagate the Muslim race!
I don’t care if a woman. Walks down the street butt naked. That is still no excuse to rape her. The amount of clothing a woman chooses to wear. Is up to each woman. It is also up to them to decide what is to little or to much. Not and never Muslim men. If come to live in the West. Then they have to respect our laws and cultures. Not live by their primitive ones. I will fight them tooth and nail. If they try to conquer the West. Especially my own country of America.