Islam, the religion of Peace, has a message for you damned heretics:
“Soon, we will trample you underfoot, Allah willing. Europe has become old and decrepit and needs human reinforcement….they are not motivated by compassion for the Levant, its people and its refugees,” said Top Imam Muhammed Ayed at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
The Imam declares that migrants to Europe must breed and make pregnant the women there; We Shall Conquer Their Countries!
You think he is joking? Read his follow up comments on the next page:
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Allah baba can’t will anything, he’s dead and buried in a grave! if I drew a pic of him it would be bones
Europe are your ladies listening …?
We are so stupidm.
European women DON’T like ugly moslem men.
Sounds of the Final Crusade.
Get a Weopens! Bacon!
Kill them all before they kill tou all,same for usa
Wait, I thought if a Muslim saw a necked woman that wasn’t his wife, he had to kill himself.. So what’s up with this?
He needs a extra hole in his head !!!