Julie Bindel stands as a prominent writer for the U.K. Guardian. She is also a radical feminist. In a candid interview with the website radfem collective, founder of the group “Justice for Women” and research fellow at England’s University of Lincoln, Julie says that she would “put … all [men] in some kind of camp.”
She also says that heterosexuality won’t survive “unless men get their act together, have their power taken from them and behave themselves.” Read more about Bindel’s prediction regarding the end of the human race on the next page:
Give this pig a membership to Jenny Craig !!!!!
Too make them easier for them to catch one?
Want in one hand sh@t in the other and see which one fills up first.
She dresses like a man has a haircut like a man and looks like a man! Just another weird not
gotta be a lasbi
DAMN WHEN did they clone Rosie O’Donnell
and if she is that just sexual discrimination . but that ok for them just not everyone else .
Angry$#%&!@* nobody wants her
Mentally unstable people often make statements that don’t make sense. She’s over the top.
why don’t you and all those feminist friends of your separate your selves from the rest of the world you can go to iran and The UAR and be separated from men.