Last week, Hillary Clinton lambasted Donald Trump’s “connections” to the KKK because he is the choice candidate among many of its leaders. Well, maybe Clinton should have inspected her own supporters before she made that claim. Not only does it also include KKK members, but individuals linked to terrorism, as well.
In early August, Omar Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen, was seen standing behind Clinton during a campaign event. This week, another one of Clinton’s supporters were exposed for “unsavory connections” in Lebanon.
In fact, this high-profile supporter with direct ties to the Clintons became such a risk that he was denied entrance to the United States just last year.
Why wasn’t he banned sooner?
Well, he was a Clinton Foundation donor, of course. And Clinton was secretary of state.
See the full report about Clinton’s controversial donor on the next page:
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Maybe he better give another donation to The Butchers Foundation….
GOOD GOOD GOOD .Clinton and Obama should be deported because of their Terror ties to this man and others.
Where do I send my check?
Wanna bet, Crooked Hillary will get him in!
Someone’s looking for a job today… Oops!
So the Tea baggers news tht Foundation is selling Favours were LIES !!
Let’s get Soros out
For once somebody she’s connected to does NOT get their way or entry to the USA.