To say that it is disingenuous to inform everyday Americans that illegals working next to them in chain restaurants, hospitals, in construction, on oil rigs, etc., etc., are not using fake IDs and stolen identities is an understatement worthy of saying that Liberals believe in the sanctity of life while running to the abortion clinics.
The relationship between identity theft and illegal aliens is an incestuous one that has bred detestable and horribly deformed alternative facts that seek to make the criminal a victim of discrimination.
The Relationship Between Identity Theft and Illegal Immigration. U.S. law enforcement agencies have observed that identity theft and immigration “go hand in hand.” In Weld County, Colo., which has large numbers of illegal aliens employed in the meat packing industry, District Attorney Ken Buck reports that the principal driver of identity theft is job related.
But we know that illegal aliens routinely use fraudulent SSNs belonging to American citizens and legal residents. In a 2002 report to Congress, the General Accounting Office stated: “INS has reported that large-scale counterfeiting has made fraudulent employment eligibility documents (e.g., Social Security cards) widely available.” The Social Security Administration assumes that roughly three-quarters of illegal aliens are paying payroll taxes through withholding, which generally requires an SSN.
For example, an immigration raid at an Agriprocessors, Inc., meat processing plant in Pottsville, Iowa, last year found that 76 percent of the plant’s employees had bogus SSNs. And during an April 2008 raid at Pilgrim’s Pride meat packing plants, more than 280 employees at facilities in five states were arrested on suspicion of committing identity theft and other criminal violations in order to obtain jobs. According to press reports, ICE agents said their investigation of Pilgrim’s Pride started when the victims of identity theft came forward after having problems with taxes and credit reports.
Turn the page for the lie that being illegal is a victimless crime!
Deport them
Illegals are running from a corrupted government ,and want to create a corrupted government here.
Your momma ?
The best thing to do to a illegal who murder innocent people is hang them by border !
Someone shoving c**p down your throats.
No DACA, No refugee resettlement, NO health care, NO voting, NO amnesty, NO path to citizenship, NO work visa, NO increase in legal immigration, NO drivers license, NO in state tuition, NO government assistance programs. Just say NO to ILLEGAL immigration and refugee resettlement. Secure our borders, enforce current immigration law, not the executive order version, pursue, capture, incarcerate and deport ALL illegal aliens.
If you sneak into this country or over stay your visa you are illegal!
Maybe not, but if you are unlawfully present on US soil your sneaky alien$#%&!@*is subject to deportation!