Top 8 Lies Liberals Assert About Illegal Immigration and Criminality

The Center for Immigration Studies has created an exhaustive compilation of facts and statistics that bear out one definitive truth:  The Left cannot reveal the evidence that has been compiled here because it would completely destroy the very foundation of their argument in favor of illegals being “good for the nation and good for the economy.”

The study has put together a whole host of data from many different government and independent data analysis groups and presented here in a very substantial and shocking revelation.


Because it is virtually impossible to live and work in the United States without documents…millions of [illegals] turn to fraudulent document dealers for falsified Social Security cards, forged drivers licenses, counterfeit green cards, and a wide range of other phony documents.

According to Richard Hamp of the Utah Attorney General’s Office, illegal aliens rarely steal Americans’ total identities (a victim’s full name, date of birth, and SSN) simply because doing so is more difficult and expensive. Instead, illegal aliens commit SSN-only identity theft by obtaining fraudulent Social Security cards in their own names, often with random numbers made up by dealers. However, since about half of all SSNs have been issued, there is a 50-50 chance that the SSN already belongs to another person. And even if the number hasn’t been issued, the Social Security Administration may later assign it to an infant, thereby giving a newborn an instant credit history, arrest record, and liability for back taxes.

Turn to the next page for the next lie that Liberals enforce as fact regarding illegal aliens!




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