Top 10 Craziest Liberal Quotes Ever Uttered

When the anti-Semitism of the Left comes to the forefront (which is often enough) it is typically associated with people like junior US Representatives like Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN).  If they’re not advertising for the advancement of the Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement against Israel, they’re bashing Jews (American and foreign alike) with statements like “It’s all about the Benjamins, baby!”

However, the anti-Semitism of the Left is not a recent phenomenon and, in fact, has been strenuously supported and publicly espoused by some of the most prominent members of the Democrat Party.  Helen Thomas, who was one of the forerunners of the female journalists who represented only the Progressive side of the news, was famous for her hatred of Jews and made no bones about it.  Before she passed away, her seat of prominence at the daily press briefings in the White House was never questioned, yet her combative interrogations of Republican presidents or spokespersons was legendary.  Here’s one of her more controversial quotes about Jews:

“Jews should get the hell out of Palestine and go home to Germany and Poland.”

Interesting that she was lauded for her calls for Jews to “go home” when just a couple of months ago, the same attitude was not taken by the press and the Democrats when President Trump said exactly the same thing about those who hate America.

In 1912, the same year that the Titanic foundered in the icy cold Atlantic, Republican President William Howard Taft summed up how the GOP feels about anti-Semitism in no uncertain terms:

“Anti-Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America.”

Read about the next crazy quote by a Liberal on the next page referencing racism!



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