Top 10 Craziest Liberal Quotes Ever Uttered

John Kerry was never more popular to the Democrats than when he lost his election bid against George W. Bush.  As upset as the Left was at Bush for his “incompetence,” they could certainly forgive Senator Kerry for his poorly-run campaign and multiple blunders, especially when it came to his almost daily assault on the United States military and pronouncements that they were a vicious and monstrous presence throughout the world.  His criticism didn’t just stop at the government’s role, but extended to his perceived stupidity of its soldiers:

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

President Donald Trump is of a different mind.  His respect for not only the US military as a whole, but also its individual service members, is head and shoulders above any critique that someone like John Kerry (who served in Vietnam and is the recipient of three…count ’em…three Purple Hearts!) could utter.  Here’s one of many examples:

“We’re going to make our military so strong, so powerful, that nobody, nobody, is going to mess with us…that, I can tell you. We’re going to take care of our vets. They’ve been the forgotten people.”

Navigate to the next page to read yet another example of the complete lack of American values by the Left in regards to anti-Semitism!



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