Top 10 Craziest Liberal Quotes Ever Uttered

In recent weeks, the Department of Homeland Security has released statistics that strongly indicate that the Trump administration’s focus on border security, including the construction of the Wall and more agents hired, has been measurably effectiveness in reducing both the number of illegal aliens attempting to cross the US-Mexico border and the number of self-described refugees seeking asylum from their home countries in Central and South America.  Democrat 2020 candidate for president, Pete Buttigieg, however, disagrees vehemently.

“Building a wall won’t solve our border security challenges.”

Although not actually an expert on borders (he is the mayor of South Bend, Indiana) Buttigieg pretends that he is ready and able to make the big decisions on behalf of America’s sovereignty and national security.

Liberal Kevin Smith put it best, though, in regards to how coming to America should mean that you are in fact an American and not a Mexican, Guatemalan, Panamanian, etc.

“I feel like if you’re in Jersey, you have to be a Jersey Devils fan. Anybody born within the confines of the border of the state of New Jersey, I feel, should be a Jersey Devils fan.”

Couldn’t agree more.  When you move to the US, it should be as a legal American citizen or citizen-to-be.  Your first foray into America shouldn’t be as a lawbreaking felon who wishes to be transferred immediately onto the taxpayer dole through welfare, food stamps and a free healthcare and education system.  If you live in America, you have to be an American!

Turn to the next page to read about some strange things said about the military!



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