Top 10 Craziest Liberal Quotes Ever Uttered

Another rocker, Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones, absolutely despises our president, so I guess it’s a good thing he’s not a citizen of this country.  In his eyes, we [Americans] need to “get rid of Donald Trump!”  Richards, well known for his foray into the world of illicit drug use has said on more than one occasion that he sees nothing wrong with them:

“I’ve never had a problem with drugs. I’ve had problems with the police.”

Another British citizen had a somewhat different view about drugs.  Rudyard Kipling, writer of classics like “The Jungle Book” and “Riki Tiki Tavi” was more enthused with the mind than illegal substances:

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”

Richards once asked if anyone could possibly imagine a nightmare of the words, “President Trump,” before he was actually elected.  I have another question.  Could anyone possibly imagine a “President Richards?”

Flip to the next page for another crazy quote on borders!



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