Top 10 Craziest Liberal Quotes Ever Uttered

Racism is a refrain heard nearly every hour of every day and is almost exclusively the sole domain (apparently) of the Left, especially when that charge is launched at the Right, with or, more regularly, without evidence.  The calls of racism are so frequent in fact that the Left no longer must provide evidence of such racism.  All that’s required these days is the simple charge of racism in order to make it so.  Remember:  It’s not the seriousness of the offense with the Left.  It’s the seriousness of the accusation.

Former President Bill Clinton was propped up by a fiercely loyal Leftist press for all eight years of his two terms in office, not only because it was scandal ridden, but also because…well…that’s just what the DNC-run Fake News Media does.  They were so dead-set on laying claim to a great economy that was spurred on by the Conservative Revolution of Newt Gingrich and the Contract With America, that they actually named Clinton as an “honorable African-American,” often referring to him as the first Black President.  No joke.  Look it up.

That said, here’s one of the more revealing aspects of Bill Clinton and his actual views on race:

“African Americans watch the same news at night that ordinary Americans do.”

This is only one example of many that demonstrate how the first Black President was anything but.  Candace Owens, a black Conservative commentator, speaker and activist, founder of the Black Exit from the Democrat Party (Blexit) movement, is famous for many things that she has said, particularly when it comes to her Congressional testimony at multiple hearings on race relations and American campus bias against conservatism.  Here’s how she views race issues:

“Liberals believe that they own blacks – still. They believe they’re something proprietary about being black in this country, and if you deviate from the way they want you to think, in the way they want you to act, they grow violent.”

That violence is demonstrated through Antifa protests which generally involve assault, property damage, abusive actions toward police, and the general disrespect of the local populace.  Their main objective is to shut down the active discussions that arise between conservative speakers and their audience.

Turn to the final page where you’ll learn the final insane quote by a Liberal on the subject of terrorism!



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