Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay has come forward with the stunning claim that the Obama administration wants to legalize 12 ‘perversions’. Apparently, after the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage they are ready to take things to an entirely new level.
Delay claims this information comes from a secret memo obtained from the Justice Dept.
an so it goes, pray my friends, pray for your families an friends to repent now, the sooner the better.
obama will legalize marriage between a muslim mulatto kenyan and a woman that looks like and is built like a man. name is michael,I mean moochelle
The secret memo is so secret, only Tom DeLay knows of it. Hmmm…..
The $#%&!@*sexual manifesto …Gay right platform. The sick SOB’s are coming for our children. All parents must see! Watch your children. Leave them no where. This is an all out attack. Fight it all the way. What you allow will continue. They are sick SOB’s,
eating, walking thinking for one’s self, breathing without a tax….ETC
It was so secret… even the NSA didn’t get the memo.
Why? Because Sharia said it is ok… that’s why.
Oh my God welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah
NWO $#%&!@*s on the move with their puppet to destroy this country as we know it, and to forge the North American Union. Americans don’t have much longer to wake up. Time for the cute little pink pansies, cowards, and excuse makers to be pushed aside, and for the real men to take their stand.