It’s common knowledge now that the only tangible obstacle preventing Obama from allowing in as many Muslim refugees as he wants into the United States is the Atlantic Ocean.
There has been mention of a vetting process, however, for these refugees, which would ostensibly filter out embedded ISIS members and other terrorists. What is unmentioned is, of course, whether these same refugees will also bring in sharia law and oppressive attitudes to native Christian Americans.
When questioned about how the vetting process may affect Tennessee Senator Bob Corker’s home state, he seemed unconcerned.
Find out what Bob Corker had to say on page 2.
Why should e be concerned? He already has his luxury hiding place in order
What do we want?
Sounds like this Senator is part of the problem!
obama will do nothing to stop them
We need to hang a few of these senators, then the rest would remember what their job is. To represent the people
they are not living by The United States Constitution
Stand up and you help them but first take care of our military and homeless and the Va problem ,stop kissing up and running our country into the ground.
Another stinking Traitor!
Invite just four…your house can accommodate more but just take four……
He isn’t concerned because he is insulated from the effects of pretty much every single thing to which he subjects the rest of us. Jack wad!