Tip of the Iceberg: Hillary’s Aid Sent Her Classified DIA/NSA/NGA Info

Tuesday, on “America’s Newsroom”, Catherine Herridge reported that one of the key rules for government agencies is that “only the agency that gets the information has the authority to declassify that information”, thus putting Hilary Clinton in even more hot water regarding the classified emails.

Fox News confirming the email from aide Huma Abedin to Mrs. Clinton that kickstarted the FBI probe contained classified information from three intelligence agencies: the DIA, the NSA and the NGA, which overseas U.S. governments by satellite. All three agencies have confirmed the intelligence was classified when it was sent three years ago and remains classified to this day. But the State Department claims the intelligence was unclassified, even though they didn’t own it, and released the email — now simply stating there’s a difference of opinion.

Hillary claims that this is just a “disagreement between agencies” and that “it has nothing to do with me.”  As the Secretary of State, it has everything to do with Mrs. Clinton and the blame lies on her alone.

When one reaches the position of Secretary of State, one knows what the rules of the game are.  She knew what she was doing and the rules she was going to ignore.  She certainly must have known about the executive order signed by Mr. Obama in 2009, as Secretary of State.

Herridge reported: But under this executive order, 13526 signed by Mr. Obama in December 2009, only the three intelligence agencies who own that information in the first place have the authority to declassify it, not Mrs. Clinton and not the State Department.

View the video at the Daily Caller here.

Photo: WhatIsAFace



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