Well that certainly didn’t take long! On the heels of the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage, an opt-ed published in Time magazine calls for churches and religious institutions to lose their tax-exempt status.
“The Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage makes it clearer than ever that the government shouldn’t be subsidizing religion and non-profits,” reads the subtitle from the Time piece.
Amen…..let us all pray for the lost.
Amen….scary for the lost that doesn’t repent and accept Jesus. I continue to pray….
Where does Time magazine think they have the ower or RIGHT to tell Churches what they should or shouldn’t be allowed to do? MIND your own business and stay out of GOD’s!!
Never witnessed such hatred and intolerance in the name of God. Prefer to let God be the judge. I am actively involved but try really hard not to be so harsh. It really saddens me.
Opps there goes another publication to the dump pile.
Dear Time ..I think it is Time to boycott you.
We need a consumption tax. Like a sales tax. Everybody would pay their fair share through purchusing. With a fair tax, 100% of the people would pay tax’s. And don’t forget, that this Administration is all about Equality. So why not have equality in taxation?
NFL is tax exempt
Liberals say: keep that religion out of our gov’t.
I say: keep that gov’t out of our religion.
we need to get back to the old morals…a firm and certain separation between church and state, as laid down in the Cons$#%&!@*ution…