The media has manufactured its latest controversy about the Trump campaign by blowing a heated altercation out of proportion.
News outlets have run wild today with footage of a reporter for Time magazine being knocked to the ground by a member of the Secret Service at a Trump rally. The implication is that the GOP frontrunner is running an aggressive campaign that brings out the worst in people and has potential to turn violent at any moment.
But as other videos documenting the series of events leading up to that incident attest, if anybody was violent, it was the reporter. Footage shows Morris getting unnecessarily close to the Secret Service agent, brushing up against him as if he were trying to push him out of the way. He is also clearly heard to say “f*ck you” to the agent.
But that’s not what people are seeing on the news: what they’re seeing is Morris lying on the floor as the agent stands over him, and they most certainly did not see what he did next.
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He should have been shot. I would expect as much if I pulled some number like that.
Some brains cannot handle facts, or complete stories, and they build brick walls around them to keep them that way.
Right?! You never threaten a war/hate/fear mongering violent Dump supporter! They’re liable to shoot you! Good point OP!
hmm looks to me like the secret service agent in the photo is not white Mr. Trump must hate him anyway, Right Eric Luchinski and for information purpoes Mr. Trump hates war and sure believes US tax payers should not have to pay for it
This looks like photo shop to me a white person with a dark skin hand. So much bs on the net. Believe the oposite of what the media tells you.
Screw the press screw the GOP and any others that are trying to tarnish the trump campaign . Trump s the people’s choice .
This happened awhile ago.
Should have broke that guys arm.
So you could criticize his private security as being biased and unfair to wack jobs like Morris?
This reporter needs to be off limits at anymore rallies and a report filed against him.