According the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, white people need to experience the kind “oppression” that black people have experienced before Americans can truly be equal. The cat is out of the bag. Many who believed that all of these movements and protests started by Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers and their supporters aren’t about equality at all, they’re about racial superiority, specifically over white people. In fact, if you look up “racism” in the dictionary, it’s basically defined as one race seeking racial superiority.
While speaking to a group of baptists in New Orleans, Tim Kaine suggested that in order to achieve equality between races, white people must willingly submit themselves to a state of repression. What exactly is he talking about exactly? Nobody will deny that slavery and the acts that followed were atrocious, but like it’s been asked many times, what right does anybody have to claim offense at acts they weren’t alive to be offended by?
Why can’t anybody see that this kind of policy isn’t going to bridge the racial divide, it’s only going to make it bigger. It’s this type of thinking, created by the Obama Administration, that got us here in the first place. Not to mention that these types of policies are bad even for white democrats.
Find out why on the next page.
Old Cocain looks weird in his eyes. They must be reflecting his weird brain!!!!
I am proudly black and don’t support this outrageous statement that whites who were not even born at the time of slavery an apartheid should suffer for the sins of the little minded racists of the past. The future is bright for all races and a man’s reputation can only be judged by character and not skin color
Between Tim Kane and Mark Warner, I can see why this state went from “why I settled here and decided to call Virginia My home after retiring from the Navy in 1979”, to why the heck do I submit my family and love ones to this sustained assault on my color, my education and my values. I’ve always been one to respect others and to take responsibility for my actions and to help those who have needs that are beyond their immediate capabilities only to be confronted with the hatred that these two have caused to arise. We need a change Virginia.
I imagine Kaine will be able to experience lots of repression when he goes to prison. America dodged a bullet with this one. Thank you Jesus.
All hail the Riddler! Cast him into hell.
And his reason is????? Oh, I forgot you don’t need a reason if you are insane!
he still looks like someone’s drunk uncle.
This guy is a fruitcake and needs to be sent packing ! Next time he’s up for re-election VOTE HIM OUT !!!!! How the he’ll he ever got voted in is beyond me !
Thanks for helping Hillary lose the election !!!!! She couldn’t have picked a better running mate !
Purpose of Kaine’s attack on whites is the fact it wasn’t ALL whites, but ONLY WHITE DEMOCRATS who kidnapped free-born Africans and forced them into slavery against their will, formed KKK, did all lynchings and passed all Jim Crow Laws. Republican Party formed in 1854 specifically to abolish slavery. Not only did WHITE REPUBLICANS ABOLISH slavery, but also granted equal rights/voting rights to former slaves. Began handing out 40 acres to freed slaves as reparations, but after Republican Lincoln was assassinated, Democratic President Andrew Johnson evicted blacks and forced them to give land back to white landowners! Tim Kaine is simply trying to cover the dirt on his party by blaming all whites instead of guilty Democrats. F**e News. Democrats guilty party, not Republicans, and until they apologize to the black community for heinous, criminal acts committed against black Americans, they will bear their guilt whether Kaine and the DNC try to cover or not. Truth is like Light. Can be covered and hidden for a while, but the light will eventually break forth like a small match in a dark auditorium-everyone in that auditorium can see the light.
Tim Kane-
Set an example for us. Show us you are sincere in your beliefs. You, your family and all of your relatives should live the oppressed life for five years and many others will follow, promise.
When are you going to begin?