Progressives are notorious for their “do as I say, not as I do” attitude, but that attitude is becoming even more pronounced and more dangerous as what they say becomes downright menacing.
For the past few years, liberals have zealously promoted the idea that “words matter” – that is, not only can speech cause harm but using it in an offensive manner is no different from physically assaulting a person, particularly if the person in question is a woman, person of color, or member of some other minority group. This alleged threat, according to these whiners (or social justice warriors, as many on the Internet like to call them), warrants action by the government to crackdown on people who use such speech.
Of course, none of this applies to either Donald Trump or his followers, who they feel deserve to not only have their speech taken away, but their safety as well.
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Look at his eyes. EVIL!
This guy is a hand pick for the funny farm. All because he lost his debate and the vice presidency
This is inciting riots and every last one of them should be arrested.
This is what Obama’s rule gave the world as he spread Terrorists and hatred throughout. How long will his fools follow blindly.
I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere in the Team America movie.
Wah wah wah and the b******t from the liberal socialist goes on. You assholes need to grow the$#%&!@*up. Trump won and Killary the lying cheating treasonous murdering liberal socialist commie dumbocrat lost. If the situation were reversed, you would start killing protesters. Tim, since none of you worthless loudmouth butt hurt politicians are going to join the protesters, you want them to do the dirty work while you politicians set back and watch. What’s wrong with this picture? Get out and join them you chicken$#%&!@*
Dumbo is still a dumbass.
YOUR AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!
Hit the streets you bag of wind and see what happens!
Did Babnum Baily hire him for the job of circus clown???? I heard they did!!!
Jail this nut.