Progressives are notorious for their “do as I say, not as I do” attitude, but that attitude is becoming even more pronounced and more dangerous as what they say becomes downright menacing.
For the past few years, liberals have zealously promoted the idea that “words matter” – that is, not only can speech cause harm but using it in an offensive manner is no different from physically assaulting a person, particularly if the person in question is a woman, person of color, or member of some other minority group. This alleged threat, according to these whiners (or social justice warriors, as many on the Internet like to call them), warrants action by the government to crackdown on people who use such speech.
Of course, none of this applies to either Donald Trump or his followers, who they feel deserve to not only have their speech taken away, but their safety as well.
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nut job
Tim Kaine you are going to get some Little Snowflakes in Big Trouble with $h!+ like this you are telling your Sheep that Follow your Dumb @$$ To Do !! They are going to get in the Face of the REAL World not your BS Face time with the Reporters World …And They will get Hurt or worse !! Shame on You ..You don’t give a Damn About these Idiots that listen to you ..just vote and do as I say !! Who cares they get Hurt .. POS Democrat !!
Is wrong with you Mr.? This is your country too. Are you trying to ruin it for your children and grandchildren. You sound like a traitor to this country.
This should be a picture of President Trump punching Occupy Democrats logo! Most Democrats if they really knew the democratic agenda and not what the propaganda statement is. Everything they say concerning President Trump and accused him of is what the democratic was pushing all along. Democrats were the ones that owned Slaves. The democratic party is the left, how can you accuse the right being left. The left is socialism, the left is communism, and the left want there to only one side rich and then abuse the poor. There is no middle class. And you think they are looking out for the poor people. All thay do is put policy in to weaken the United States and become a communist state. President Obama used miss direction threw his whole Presidentcy. He would seem to do something good and then in the back ground gut our military, try to bankrupt our medical system, and totally try to what he called a out dated document the United States Constitution dismantle it. Why in the world do you think the democratic party should occupy. Are you really that nieve to think the democratic agenda is for the little guy. You have been lied to from the beginning, in school threw the media. Stop going by what others say and do your own research. You will find I’m right. Occupy Defender’s of The United States Constitution “Patriots “
He’s one of those guys…that when you read his obituary… You feel good all day
This imbecile is one stupid sob !!
Arrest this commie wuss. He literally cannot breath when he tries to utter a few sentences. Thank God and anyone else who helped this man is NOT the VP and hopefully NOT coming back as a Senator ever again. We deserve this type of person in orifice to assist in waking up this lost and dying generation of sad sacks.
The looney liberal clown encouraging violence! Liberals are intolerant, violent and unamerican!
Tim Kaine, have you forgot WHO you work for ??? You Work for the PEOPLE. Now Get Your$#%&!@*together or get the HELL OUT !!!!!!!!