Progressives are notorious for their “do as I say, not as I do” attitude, but that attitude is becoming even more pronounced and more dangerous as what they say becomes downright menacing.
For the past few years, liberals have zealously promoted the idea that “words matter” – that is, not only can speech cause harm but using it in an offensive manner is no different from physically assaulting a person, particularly if the person in question is a woman, person of color, or member of some other minority group. This alleged threat, according to these whiners (or social justice warriors, as many on the Internet like to call them), warrants action by the government to crackdown on people who use such speech.
Of course, none of this applies to either Donald Trump or his followers, who they feel deserve to not only have their speech taken away, but their safety as well.
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Tracy Trullinger Banning they should also be held responsible for any and all damages they do.
That’s it, encourage MORE VIOLENCE – seems like a poor loser. Homeland Terrorism nice. Now you know why you lost. Didn’t have our backs.
Any politician that advocates rioting, looting, blocking streets / highways, any civil unrest of any kind, should be removed from office IMMEDIATELY!!! Start with this IDIOT (and Nancy Pelosi)!
Clown, I am happy he lost and he is NOT Vice President hahaha
Maybe as conservatives oughta meet these liberal snowflakes
That$#%&!@*needs to be deported to Syria
You know….. I figured there would be all kinds of blood when Hillary was elected and started tightening the noose… But I am kinda surprised here at the liberals… I mean, I figured the big cities would “Watts” and “Ferguson” after Trumps elections (and anything they burned down, well would not get Federal Money to be rebuilt… maybe thats why THAT didn’t happen). But these Liberals who decide they are going to block traffic & get in someones face and throw rocks and such….. well, I HOPE they know they are going up against an ARMED Citizenry….. (this “war on the streets”.. I think is going to end fairly quickly when the cops are not afraid to shoot, nor is the public
Go to California and we’ll put the wall around you. Oh yea, take Killary and Obummer with you.