This week’s Democratic National Convention was supposed to be a unifying moment for the Democrat party. They even named the first night “United Together.” Unfortunately, major Democrats didn’t seem to get the memo.
Just as the major event was poised to kick off, massive fractures have begun to appear within the party. Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced out of her job after emails leaked that proved her committee’s anti-Sanders bias during the primaries, and now Clinton’s own running mate is undermining her campaign’s message regarding her use of a private email server.
In an interview with MSNBC’s Meet the Press, Tim Kaine said that there would be “consequences” if he were to entrust classified materials to someone without clearance. Apparently, those laws don’t apply when your last name is Clinton.
See the comments at the 7:50 mark in the video below:
I don’t like Kaine after all. He is another crook!
Not. You have the Wicked Witch .
Sharing post of Wayne Covert:
If you are Gay, why are you voting for Hillary when she wants to bring in millions of refugees that believe gays should be executed?
If you are Black, why are you voting for Hillary when she defends Planned Parenthood and admires Margaret Sanger, who wanted to abort as many black babies as possible and exterminate the black race because they are like “weeds.” Most of those clinics are in Black neighborhoods.
If you are a Woman, how can you vote for Hillary when she has buried all of Bill’s rape victims under the rug. As an attorney, Hillary also defended the rapist of a 12-year old girl and laughed about it later. She plays the woman-card and acts entitled; implying that she deserves your vote merely because of her sex. How is that gender neutral?
If you have are a Miner, Steelworker or have a Factory job, why are you voting for Hillary when she supported NAFTA and TPP, and workers are being laid off because jobs are going overseas? She also welcomes open borders and illegals to get benefits with your tax money and compete for our jobs. Hillary boasts that under her administration miners and steelworkers will lose their jobs.
If you are a Law abiding citizen, how can you vote for Hillary when she is clearly above the law? Hillary deleted thousands of secret e-mails *after* they had been subpoenaed by the courts (illegal). Hillary kept thousands of classified and top secret e-mails on her private server; servers that had less security that g-mail and Hotmail. You can be sure Russia, Iran, and China have those now. The DNC clearly broke the rules by heavy-handedly favoring Hillary over Sanders while they were still competing for the nomination.
If you are a Veteran, in the military, or closely related to a military member, why are you voting for Hillary when she left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again? They called for help, but the help was told to stand down. Furthermore, Hillary wants to eliminate the NRA, take away your guns, and abolish the second amendment?
Who is left?
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Yes you’re right Tim. If you mishandled information you’d be passed around the cellblock for cigarettes. But since you are an$#%&!@*kissing boot lick you get the free pass under Hitlery’s skirt, just try not to breathe!
I NOW see WHY Hillary picked this Guy for VP, he is an IDIOT and a PERFECT PUPPET!!!
I noticed that too Charles