It’s not often that you hear someone from Hollywood speak sense, so when it does happen it’s best that we pay close attention.
In case anyone was unable to deduce where the vast majority of the film and entertainment industry’s sympathies lay, this year’s long, bitter election cycle made it very clear: they are almost entirely in the pocket of the Democratic Party. And while it’s certainly been no secret that stars like George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio and Cher are staunch liberals, it became much more apparent by the hysterical way they reacted to Donald Trump’s campaign for the presidency.
Instead of seeking to understand what motivated people to support Donald Trump, Hollywood decided to demonize their fellow Americans and accuse them of racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry. Now that the election is over however, some brave voices are speaking out against the industry’s condescending liberalism.
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It’s because his show was #1 in primetime! They were jealous! He was teaching how to be a leader unlike MarkCuban show Shark Tank where they think you need them and steal you’re money! Teach them to donate their riches to a charity and use it as a Tax Write Off! I bet the Sharks ratings have Tanked to! Bwahahahahaahaaaa
Video not available UGH
Bill Lozier who sold russia 20 % of our urainium dumb$#%&!@*.
He’s being interviewed by the biggest hater of all.
Tim Allen is awesome! Love “Last Man Standing”. No gratuitous sex or violence. No adulterous affairs. No hate mongering, crimes of passion or murder investigations. What a breath of fresh air!
And he dislikes Hillary Clinton!!
Who doesn’t? LOL! : )
Also if it wasn’t for Russia in ww1 and ww2 we would be living in a very different world.
Like Tim Allen