“Thou shalt not travel to Mississippi” demand the governors of Washington, New York, and Vermont. Mississippi’s new legislation is believed to be mean spirited and discriminatory and thus these governors feel it is in their power to limit travel of their own citizenry.
Reminiscent of the big brother behavior of the Mayor of San Fransisco, who made similar demands of city employees banning travel to North Carolina, these governors are overstepping their authority.
The mayoral panties are all twisted up because North Carolina has passed legislation preventing anti-discrimination protection for lesbian, gay and transgender people thus nullifying a Charlotte ordinance that allowed for transgender bathroom use of the opposite gender.
City workers were banned by the Lee from “non-essential” travel to North Carolina, Truth and Action reports.
The Mississippi legislation is viewed as discriminatory against the LGBT community, yet in actuality it protects all citizens of Mississippi from government over reach by protecting “sincerely held religious beliefs and moral convictions of individuals, organizations and private associations.”
Citizens of Mississippi who hold religious convictions are given the freedom to exercise their faith without repudiation. Under this legislation, people of faith will be protected if they deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also allows employers to take their religious beliefs to inform such work place values such as dress code and bathroom or locker access.
The legislation does not remove civil rights from any one group, but strengthens the First Amendment for all.
BAHAHAWAHA!!!!!What a bunch of frikkin IDIOTS!!!!
Yea, good luck with that. If I want to go some place, i will hop my happy self into my car and go. Why do I all of a sudden hear the battle hymn of the republic playing in the background?
I shall go as I please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have we become a nation of fools???
The communist democrats are at it again. Communist democrats are like, “if you don’t let men pee in the ladies room then we won’t come to your state”. I’m thinking good don’t come.
Can’t tell where to travel! Are you insane?
Cool! We shall not rravel to Washington, New York or Vermont.
We don’t need them to survive.
Embargo Oil with Saudi Arabia
Middle Easy (Middle East)
Bill and Hillary’s First Bed Partner was the Whore of Babylon:
-They MADE trillions off of the US without regulatory prices and thought US goods were vile to their taste as the Prince System that has no government stipulations only laws against people.
-US currency trapped in foreign nations to barter and devalue
-illegals started the first foreign terrorist attacks following this that were not happening here though with every nation already doing business with them.
-First war in the Middle East began with Desert Storm costing the US troops occupancy under invasion with Saudi reaping benefits at our expense against its region of people brought up their way Islamic.
-continued occupancy became War 2 and has t ended for 25 years with occupancy under invasion, the new twist was Rules of Engagement where Saudi advised their regulatory agent enforcement the US to restrict and die
-massacred troops by Islam bringing the enemy to the grounds where lots of blood is easily shed.
-more terrorism and borders open with Saudi infiltrating news and media markets and other wealth businesses.
– cemeteries are full of dead troops and the nations debt is trillions from 2 people first colluding with corrupt foreign governments based on the Prince System, Whore of Babylon while William J Clinton translated 666 in the Greek and Hebrew and they knew it.
Obama continued the legacy of the Whore of Babylon, and furthers and strengthens the cause to affect the US.
Emuna Amitai Carmel Yisrael Ben,
Faithful and True