Three Samaritans to the Rescue of an Ambushed Officer


Things could have gotten very dicey, even fatal for Deputy Mike Walsh, had three Samaritans not come to his rescue.  Walsh had almost been hit on his motorcycle by Corey Johnson’s car as it blew through a stop sign.  He pulled him over and was subjected to a beating, which could have turned fatal had Corey gotten Walsh’s gun.

As Walsh was taking a beating, Samaritan number one,  George Cooper saw what was taking place.  Taking no thought for his own safety, he freed Walsh from Johnson, who took off running.

“He is a man just like I am. He has children, he has a wife and a family. I want him to go home to his family like I go home to my family,” Cooper said.

Enter Samaritan number two,  Antonio Velazquez, who gave chase to Johnson, leaving his truck parked in the middle of the road.

“I kicked him and he fell down and when I tried to grab him I fell down with him,” Velazquez said.

Another Samaritan stopped and helped the other men hold Johnson until other deputies showed up to arrest him.

Walsh is recovering from cuts and bruises, as well as a broken thumb. Johnson, who has been arrested seven other times, was taken into law enforcement custody on charges of aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting an officer with violence and driving while license suspended or revoked.

As for Cooper, he doesn’t have any regrets looking back on the risky rescue.

“It doesn’t matter what your color is, your race, or your creed. He is a police officer. He is supposed to help us. That is just their job,” Cooper said.

Source: The Blaze

Source: Fox 13 News




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