Donald Trump is driving college professors insane. But, ironically, many are now accusing Donald Trump of mental illness.
It should come as no surprise that the college students of today have been so completely brainwashed by liberalism. The professors tasked with teaching them are among the most far-left people in America — and they’ve been triggered by the election of Donald Trump.
Suddenly, these teachers — who are supposed to rely on fact — have begun clinging to far-flung leftist theories.
Last week, a Harvard professor claimed that there were enough faithless Republican electors in the electoral college to cost Donald Trump the election. Now that that has proven to be false, the professors of America have moved on to a new conspiracy theory.
See why three professors of psychiatry are asking Barack Obama to conduct a “full medical and neuropsychiatric evaluation” of Trump on the next page:
Hilarious. Hussein is the insane one
Which psychiatry sccket did sgshe Lear her talking
Which psychiatry socket did she plug into, talking points for the day.
To my fellow citizens. Please stop sending your children to the NWO schools and colleges. The liberal schooling system has gotten so bold that they are presenting propaganda as settled science oppressive government as the social norm, critical thinking as fanatical thought. Be aware of your choices.
who the hell do these preMadonnas think they are
They need to be fired! They are idiots of progressive liberalism.
I would of said to do that to Obama, but would of been tagged as Racist. Give it up Liberals, Trump won and we is president on Jan 20th
You first!!!
Seriously, it is time to purge the educational and professional system of these charlatans and feminist types that pursue an agenda to the detriment of their professional ethics. When you talk to someone that has “PhD” or “MD” or some other title that is suppose to signify advanced learning or skill and you hear them talk like an idiot, you then should never give them credit by using this professional title. These people have abnegated their right to be called or addressed with that kind of designation. These three professors are now just fools and they do NOT and SHOULD NOT be addressed as a “professor,” or a “MD,” but simply addressed as “dumbass,” or by their first name. Even addressing them as a “tom,” $#%&!@*” or “Harry,” is giving them far too much respect.
I would hope that any employer would reject an Ivy League grad for hire because it no longer means much to graduate from those colleges. Employers, it’s time to stop recruiting from the Ivy League and find normal people that aren’t infected with the Libturd virus. That includes doctors and lawyers. Find a good Indian doctor (from India), they are even smarter and they still have a work ethic and really decent people. Just sayin.