The Three Main Culprits of Bullying and Why Just Saying “No” Won’t Work

In my opinion, there is one large problem with this premise and that is the absence of religion or faith. I noticed upon reading the two efforts’ write-ups that there was one glaring absence:  the church community.

Interestingly, this segues with my thoughts on the subject.  I believe that there are three distinct reasons that bullying has become somewhat of a plague on society.  Before we go into that, however, let’s take a look at Coughlin’s piece.

By this time of year, school bullies have separated their prey from the herd – nice kids, shy ones, the kids whose parents tragically tell them to “turn the other cheek” – and filled their child victims with fears of humiliation, isolation and threats.

Tragically, school bullying is far more widespread than many people realize. Studies show  that about 28 percent of students age 12-18 report being bullied at school each year, and about 160,000 children a day skip school across the country to avoid bullying. These targets feel less than others, because that is what their bullies and supporters tell them.

The result is lethal. Far too many times, I’ve talked with yet another grieving and weeping mother who has lost her child due to suicide caused by bullying – bullycide.   

Though a bullied child can be nine times more likely to consider or attempt suicide, most thankfully do not walk this desperate path. But something within them is still murdered – their vulnerable spirit.

Coughlin ends the piece with a call to legislators to help implement some form of David’s Law and the DBM Project in every state across the nation.

While the sentiment behind wanting to end bullying in the piece is heartfelt and sincere, it ducks the obvious questions as to how something that has been around from the beginning of time (Joseph’s brothers bullied him and eventually sold him into slavery) can somehow be legislated out of existence.  The DBM Project specifically talks about linking society, but again, without the help of the church.

Let’s take a little walk down memory lane and talk about the things that eventually led to a place where bullying seems to be a rampant problem without an end in sight:  the American school system.

Turn to the following page to read about how the implementation of the practices of Progressivism led directly to the downfall of the American family, the church, and to the new explosion of bullying in America!

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