Three Former Obama Speechwriters Laugh over Writing the ‘Lie of the Year’

It was a sight to behold — the stunning confessions of a trio of cynical ex-speechwriters for Barack Obama — three young men freely admitting with casual laughter that they were more interested in crafting attractive lies for the president to utter than in promoting truth.

After Ben Rhodes’ recent acknowledgement that the Obama administration’s rhetoric regarding the Iran nuclear deal contained intentional dishonesty, it might have served as a signal to former Obama staffers to steer clear of openly celebrating the president’s other lies. Nevertheless, when a trio of one-time Obama speechwriters joined PBS host Charlie Rose recently, they shared a hearty laugh over one of the most notorious presidential whoppers of the past eight years.

While the three guests — David Litt, Jon Lovett and Jon Favreau — recalled fondly the lighter moments of writing the words the president would deliver off his teleprompter, Lovett said the work he did on more consequential matters made a bigger impact.

The mention of health care prompted Favreau to bring up an ignominious moment for which his colleague was responsible.

“Lovett wrote the line about, ‘If you like your insurance, you can keep it,” he said in reference to an oft-repeated line used to sell Obamacare to a skeptical public — a promise that has since been proven blatantly bogus.

“How dare you!” Lovett replied, joining the others in a laugh. “And you know what? It’s still true! No.”

First, it is important to recognize that the lies about health care did not originate with these three young idiots. It is very clear that Obama wanted to make those promises because that is the only way he could have sold Obamacare, even to the entire Democrat legislature. It is an arrogance that is stunning and that clearly demonstrates the lowly opinion this administration has of the American people. Millions of people lost their private health insurance and their doctors because of this lie. Millions more cannot afford health care, including those who had good plans before, because the deductible levels have been raised so high that average citizens cannot afford to see a doctor since family deductibles are $12,000 to $14,000 per year. People will literally die because Obama and the Democrats lied and concocted a health care scheme that is failing, even as we speak, for political advantage and gain.

And speaking of lying, Ben Rhodes, Obama’s speech writer and security council adviser just admitted that he lied to get the recent Iran agreement in place. It actually is a treaty, but Obama once again ignored the Constitution and did not put it through the required process for Congressional approval. The lie here is much more damaging, and will likely lead to Iran developing nuclear weapons in the next few years, resulting in the nuclear arming of several countries in the Middle East, and the likely eventuality of nuclear war and the destruction of Israel. And as is the case with the three speech writers on the Charlie Rose show, Rhodes is also proud of himself for lying and duping the public. The fact that their lying will impact the American people and the world at large is beyond these amoral frat boys understanding, and the only thing they can think of is how clever they are at duping the public. That is not cute, it is criminal.




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