6,000 gun owners have registered on Facebook to openly defy Washington State’s new gun control laws at the state capitol on December 13th, 2014.
The rare event is made more unusual as the law was passed by popular vote, unheard of in recent memory in any state.
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We need to support them. ACLU do you only go after God or do you go after other rights grabbers?
We absolutely cannot give up our right to bear arms…that’s the beginning of Communism.
Bet the cops will not be seen or do nothing. To hard of a target. They like unarmed black men, women, elderly and kids to use force on….
it’s unnecessary, no one will take our 2nd amendment away,
Tucker you are an idiot. They need to go to court and get this law thrown out even if it has to go to the supreme court. It is obviously against the second amendment and the federal government controls commerce not the state.
Liberals no longer care about the law or the 2nd Amendment. Courts are packed with liberal radicals. I live under communism; i live in New York.
Another Hitler whats next ?
The gun grabbers are salivating at the thought of how this will end. UN is well pleased.
Please military save us from this fraud