The media loves to protect Islam. Almost as often as the word “Muslim” is said, it is preceded with the word “peaceful.” If you listen to the press, every Muslim is a “peaceful Muslim” and every terrorist has “nothing to do with the religion.”
They claim that Republican “fear tactics” are to blame for the country’s poor relationship with Islam. But Islam has no one to blame for their bad reputation but itself.
Republicans aren’t spreading fear across the country, radical Islamic terrorists are. Sure, terrorists may represent a small fraction of the religion’s overall population, but more and more of the Muslim community seem to be supporting their jihadist peers.
And they’re doing it in public, too. Just this week, thousands of Muslims protested with chants of “Allahu Akbar” in front of the Coliseum in Rome.
See why their chants of “God is great” is particularly troubling on the next page:
Common Italy lets throw out all muslims back to trash land where they come from
Great in their eyes…
Not so much in the world of reality. Allah will be thrown into the lake of fire along with his legion of the fallen!!!
Seek forgiveness and live in love lest anyone of you join the fallen legion in hell!
They want takeover and if you don’t get it read the cooky Koran written by a mad man and Sharia Law while snowflakes and libs want it for America!!
We must never give over to the Muslims.They Can not win we must stay strong in the world and God says put it all in his hand and only believe in his word.He all things are under his control we stand stronger by holding to God’s promises I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Screw these so called people. Give them some bacon.
Time for Italy to flush this cult back to a third world caliphate.
We don’t want them in our country they are not peaceful people like Obama’ said they were !!!
Any, “ANY” religion that calls for its followers to commit “MURDER” is insane!!! If paying the ultimate price is such a great thing to them how is it that the “leaders” aren’t getting involved personally??? Cowards!
All of them, COWARDS!!!
Time to fight !
Round these Muslim terrorist up and deport them