When the IRS scandal originally broke, it was scary. The IRS was found to be persecuting right-wing non-profit organizations by subjecting them to – in effect – harassment. It was unbalanced, damaging, costly, and unfair to their targets. Now Judicial Watch has discovered the problem was far worse than originally thought.
The watchdog group discovered evidence the IRS was lining these target non-profits for prosecution with the help of the Obama administration’s Department of Justice and the FBI. Thanks to documents obtained after a legal struggle, through the Freedom of Information Act, Judicial Watch learned details of the IRS and DOJ strategy to prosecute these organizations, presumably to crush dissenting political voices opposed to the Obama government.
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Yet all that are involved will walk freely this is the American way to protect our image.
If you agree with this please share this !
To all military commanders of the United States, past and present.
You were promoted to this position within the United States military because of your expertise in military strategy and courage.
I know you probably never thought in your lifetime that you would have to defend the United States and our Cons$#%&!@*ution with in the homeland, but nevertheless that is what needs to be done today.
It is impossible for me to think that the most intelligent military strategist and engineers, are unaware of what is taking place within United States today politically, this is your call to duty, this is your time in history stand up and play your part.
We the people of the United States await your leadership, we await the resurrection of the United States of America.
This is a plea from the citizen of your country, of our country, it is time to save it, step up and be the heroes that all Americans believe that you are ! What’s taking place today is a resurrection of the Persian Empire, with the $#%&!@*istance of the president of the United States, and unbe knowing too many American citizens, what is actually taking place.
This administration, ambition is to make Iran the head of all of the Middle East, this administration has taken every opportunity, not to project America’s opinion or ideology anywhere in the world, and to reduce our military capabilities, to the point of a suicidal ideology !
It is to the point today, elected officials and government, have failed to protect all the citizens of the United States of America, that placed us all in harm’s way.
I would request that those in law enforcement and the military, take into custody every politician in Washington DC, and hold them for trial for treason against the people of the United States of America, and that our military start to immediately rebuild itself.
To the people in law enforcement and the military, and the governors of all the United states, we are at the pinnacle of the survival of this nation, if we do not act as one, with one voice, as one people, we surely will never ever be heard of again !
If the penalties for fighting for freedom are death, I regret I only have one life to give !
I could not have said it any better !
Let’s do something about this abuse, demand his impeachment. Start yelling at your elected public servants until they begin to listen. Do what the gays and libs do make noise, write and call. We are the majority, take control, block out the noise made by special interest groups.
So what is new????
Arrest these criminals . What’s wrong with the law makers that are supposed to protect our country? We need to replace them for justice .
Why are they not held accountable? This is insane
THANK YOU BILL SHARPE! You are a Hero. I copied your post and will share it on my page. Thank you for your permission for me to do this
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thnx much Emily :*