When the IRS scandal originally broke, it was scary. The IRS was found to be persecuting right-wing non-profit organizations by subjecting them to – in effect – harassment. It was unbalanced, damaging, costly, and unfair to their targets. Now Judicial Watch has discovered the problem was far worse than originally thought.
The watchdog group discovered evidence the IRS was lining these target non-profits for prosecution with the help of the Obama administration’s Department of Justice and the FBI. Thanks to documents obtained after a legal struggle, through the Freedom of Information Act, Judicial Watch learned details of the IRS and DOJ strategy to prosecute these organizations, presumably to crush dissenting political voices opposed to the Obama government.
Learn how on the NEXT PAGE:
Impeach & put him in jail with crocodile.
Most corrupt administration ever
Wow! And we thought other counties were crooked.
This is why all 3 need to be discontinued
all under oboma and the dems.
We need to show up by the millions in Washington DC.
nobody cares. too busy arguing about flags.
nothing can be done, they are all crooks from the president down. No ones going to rat on one cause it will cause Not a trickling effect a Fountain effect. We are all screwed, we need an honest man in the White House-This is no less then federal criminal corruption and fraud as well as money laundering ,our money fron the IRS and They even get in and steal our Social Security wages and the Whitehouse puts these federal thiefs upto all this.Obama will protect his co-conspirators the congress and the senate should be held accountable for not taking them all down(remember martial law -when they all get caught-federal thiefs
Here is a FORM letter I created for people to copy/share/PRINT and use for themselves
Obviously date etc. needs to be updated…;
(HINT) use the internet to search for your current Congressman’s name and mailing address
please use this as incentive to DO something
please don’t just click like; USE it
the letter is below — when you copy it to your PC save it and EDIT it to contain correct information for your OWN state
the line is only here to define where the letter begins:
congressperson name here (like you would on an envelope)
Dear Elected Congressional/Senate Member: July 6, 2015
As a registered voter in this state; I am APPALLED at your performance as a representative of myself and others. You took an Oath to protect and defend The Cons$#%&!@*ution of The United States of America from ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC; and you have failed miserably.
I $#%&!@*ure you that I will NOT vote for you in the future; and will do my best to inform everyone of your failure to keep that Oath.
Lock them up