When the IRS scandal originally broke, it was scary. The IRS was found to be persecuting right-wing non-profit organizations by subjecting them to – in effect – harassment. It was unbalanced, damaging, costly, and unfair to their targets. Now Judicial Watch has discovered the problem was far worse than originally thought.
The watchdog group discovered evidence the IRS was lining these target non-profits for prosecution with the help of the Obama administration’s Department of Justice and the FBI. Thanks to documents obtained after a legal struggle, through the Freedom of Information Act, Judicial Watch learned details of the IRS and DOJ strategy to prosecute these organizations, presumably to crush dissenting political voices opposed to the Obama government.
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There are some in Congress taking action in spite of the republican leadership. Boehner does not have the stomach for the fight. he says he does and yet every time a critical decision has to be made to er go against the White House or not, he always seems to cave and then gives a press conference each time stating “we will fight the next time”
There have some leaks here and there that Boehner has pulled whatever strings that he can to keep the conservatives from seriously going after all of these scandals in a meaningful way. Trey Goudy for one, just will not let go. He keeps after it despite whatever restraints Boehner has put on him no matter what.
Time to imprison all these traitors!!!!!
Impeach and jail.
The corruption of this administration is unprecedented in the history of this Republic.
Look the whole world is steaming…and you wonder if it’s bad at home
I don’t know of a prison big enough to house all of the ones pushing this upon anyone . I think some of those who think that they can get by with that sort of thing is going to get a very rude awaking .
This is treason! Do something you cowardly Republicans.
This corruption from both sides will lead to an ultimate failure of our Republic…….won’t be no one to blame then…
Heads should role for the @[72092591211:274:FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation], the IRS, and the DOJ. The GAO and other agencies should be investigating all three. The US Marshall should be issuing warrants for arrest of all three former heads and others who were involved, including the White House.
Anyone involved should serve life.