Hillary Clinton stated this week: “I think again we’re way out of balance. I think that we’ve got to rein in what has become an almost article of faith that anybody can have a gun anywhere, anytime,” Clinton said. “And I don’t believe that is in the best interest of the vast majority of people. And I think you can say that and still support the right of people to own guns.
“Anyone can have a gun anywhere, anytime,” what a great idea Hillary! Ok…let’s have a little pseudo Thought Experiment based on that notion.
Q1: You are a criminal and you want to rob a liquor store with your illegally obtained firearm in another city. Which city do you chose:
a) Clintonville: nobody owns a gun here
b) Jeffersonville: law dictates that everybody over 18 own a gun and wears it on their hip all the times
Excluding criminals that have a death wish, most would probably chose to rob defenseless people, not venturing into a city where you are vastly outgunned.
Q2: Which city SHOULD gun control liberals who believe in Darwinism favor living in:
a) Clintonville
b) Jeffersonville
Seeing how Darwinism basically states that the those less ability to survive, by being less intelligent or more anti-social, for example, will weed themselves out of existence in favor of those who are more capable, you would think that Darwinistic gun control advocates would favor more guns.
You know, let those who are dumb enough to commit a crime in a room full of people packing iron weed themselves out of existence kinda thing. But…whoever said progressives were ‘consistent’.
Q3: Which city is most likely to have citizens with higher levels of trust amongst themselves:
a) Clintonville
b) Jeffersonville
Clintonville outlawed guns on the notion that people can’t be trusted with guns. Jeffersonville mandates that people own guns so there would have to be more trust in the average person to be responsible.
If people tell each other they don’t trust each other, what will that do to the overall level of trust? If people tell each other they have confidence and trust in each other, would that not elevate the level of trust?
Seems pretty obvious: if you base a society on distrust, you’ll get more distrust as a consequence. If you base a society on trust you will get more trust.
Q4: Which city would have citizens with a greater level of responsibility and emotional maturity:
a) Clintonville
b) Jeffersonville
The citizens of Jeffersonville are carrying around a deadly weapon on their hip. Each person’s lives depend on them being thoughtful of their actions because if you get too crazy, well, you might get shot.
The citizens of Clintonville are being coddled by the government. What happens if you coddle a child too much? Well they don’t seem to grow up do they? There is no impetus to mature if you’re constantly treated like a baby.
Q5: If a sociopathic communist rises to power, which city would be most likely to end his ambitions quickest:
a) Clintonville
b) Jeffersonville
Seeing how the government would retain guns while the citizens are disarmed, Clintonville would probably not favor too well. Jeffersonville, however.. would scare the hell out the communist.
Thanks for your participation, although it’s not a Thought Experiment in the strictest sense of the word, it certainly is more scientific than what your average gun control advocate has engaged in.
Hillary its not an article of faith it is the second Amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms. You are to stupid to understand
well yea that would make it so much easier to control the masses
Shall not be infringed. Stupid bitch. You are on the list.
Hillary lies again. “Anyone can get a gun at any time”. That is a false statement and she knows it. But, she also believes YOU are stupid and will believe anything she says. After all she is still in Politics because of you. So you must be stupid.
Hillary lies again. “Anyone can get a gun at any time”. That is a false statement and she knows it. But, she also believes YOU are stupid and will believe anything she says. After all she is still in Politics because of you. So you must be stupid.
If I was a scumbag in D.C. Taking all the peoples money, committing acts of treason, and putting my self above the law, I would want to take all their guns. However since I am not, I’ll go ahead and keep mine!
Is Hiliary gonna run again, there goes my breakfast . If she gets elected brace your self, that commi has a axe to grind.
i wish this do nothing greedy piece of $#%&!@* would just do us all a favor and $#%&!@*in die!!
Get rid of this lying bitch !
She ought to be in prison.