Thompson to DHS: Militias ‘Mobilizing’ for Civil War Should Trump Lose

In a letter written by Bennie G. Thompson a member of Congress, he urges the Department of Homeland security to take action against Donald Trump and his supporters, claiming that people will take up arms should Hillary Clinton win. He claims that Donald Trump’s campaign has revolved around hateful rehtoric and states that the number of militias has grown significantly since Trump’s campaign began.

Mr. Trump’s widely-reported statements on the campaign trail could be taken by some as a call to arms. For instance, Mr. Trump has stated that his opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, should be refused candidate protection by the United States Secret Service so that we can “see what happens to her”. Mr. Trump has also stated that “Second Amendment” people could possibly “do something” if Secretary Clinton is elected.

The rhetoric and propaganda spewed throughout this election season have the ability to empower and embolden individuals to commit acts of terror. Since the Department is responsible for monitoring, reporting, and responding to all threats and hazards impacting the Nation, I urge you to redouble your efforts to engage with Federal, State, and local authorities throughout the remainder of the season and after the election. We must ensure that information is being collected, shared with State and local authorities, and between DHS Components. Situational awareness of these events during the upcoming weeks may prove significant in preventing violence. There is not place for interference with the electoral process and the will of the American people should be respected.

This further proves that the left fears Trump and losing their power over Americans. Their corruption can be found in the simple fact that they would rather put a criminal in office than vote for somebody who allegedly says mean things. Therefore, they’ve decided to demonize Trump and make him seem like some sort of terrorist. Yes, Mr. Thompson, the will of the American people should be respected. They don’t want four years of Hillary.


Read the full letter here:

Photo: Overpassesforamerica



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