This week, the left’s demonization of white America cost them the presidency. But they aren’t stopping the attacks. They’re getting bolder.
Historically, racial groups tend to vote in blocks. Blacks, Hispanic, and Asian Americans all generally vote heavily in favor of same party because they have a sense of shared identity. That’s why rich blacks and poor blacks are almost indistinguishable politically — because they feel their fates are tied.
For years, white Americans have lacked that sense of shared identity. That changed in the run-up to the 2016 election. Suddenly, “whiteness” was under attack. “White privilege” became a buzzword across college campuses. “All lives matter” was deemed hate speech. White men, in particular, began being blamed for all of the world’s problems.
This was all done in order to motivate minorities. It had the opposite effect. Disaffected white Americans turned out for Donald Trump in record numbers — and he won.
Despite the fact that the tactic failed spectacularly, the attack on white Americans is continuing post-election. See images and video from the latest anti-white protest on the next page:
Where is Obama,out trying to make peace. NOT
FU blacks FU!
Release the military, our police officers and all the hard working people who voted for Trump and lets dance
They still don’t get it that it was not just whites voting for Trump. Media hype again. Look at the delegate map people. All those Trump states are NOT whites only.
So interesting to find out how old white men just don’t know that they are really prejudice deep down. They are being told that by such a well behaved bunch of people!!!!!
Get these people locked up now.
They are not getting that much attention, so they are upping their hatred and turning it to racist. We just need to ignore them and don’t watch the TV stations that show it.
I am guessing these Hitlery/Soros bunch did not get the message on November 8th WE THE PEOPLE are tired of the old establishment in Washington DC and WE made our choice now accept it as a adult or WE THE PEOPLE will take to the streets and take NO prisoners so ask or tell Hitlery/Soros to give you body bags you will need them.
Lock them up and throw away the keys.
So which whites are you going to kill ? Some whites voted for OBAMA and Hillary ? Some are married to people of color and have children? Some are Doctors that care for your families, teach your children, so which whites do you intend to murder? Stop showing your idiocy go to work, school, take care of your families and homes and move on.