This week, the left’s demonization of white America cost them the presidency. But they aren’t stopping the attacks. They’re getting bolder.
Historically, racial groups tend to vote in blocks. Blacks, Hispanic, and Asian Americans all generally vote heavily in favor of same party because they have a sense of shared identity. That’s why rich blacks and poor blacks are almost indistinguishable politically — because they feel their fates are tied.
For years, white Americans have lacked that sense of shared identity. That changed in the run-up to the 2016 election. Suddenly, “whiteness” was under attack. “White privilege” became a buzzword across college campuses. “All lives matter” was deemed hate speech. White men, in particular, began being blamed for all of the world’s problems.
This was all done in order to motivate minorities. It had the opposite effect. Disaffected white Americans turned out for Donald Trump in record numbers — and he won.
Despite the fact that the tactic failed spectacularly, the attack on white Americans is continuing post-election. See images and video from the latest anti-white protest on the next page:
Font do anything Obama. Wants the right to go out and fight them so he can call out Marshall law and stay in power. Obama is still a disgrace!!
CLINTON DID NOT WIN THE POPULAR VOTE……The FINAL Electoral College vote is Trump 306, Clinton 232
The final popular vote totals:
Trump: 62,972,226
Clinton: 62,277,750
SOROS DEFF!!! Why won’t obama do anything dumbass fucktard prob don’t know what to do
Those comments certainly want you to roll over and give in, don’t they? These people must be stopped. This insanity has gone on long enough. You have a right in this country to “peaceful protest”. You do not have the right to intimidate, harm, destroy, and do all the other insane things these people are doing! It is time for the national guard to step in.
He’s ROFL.
These people should be charged as terrorists. I read Oregon wants to secede because Trump won. Doesn’t surprise me their governor won’t do anything.
Time to arrest them for treason . They are threatening the lives of Americans . An arrest Soros with them . Little idiots more than half didn’t even vote . Some are immigrants who have no right to even open their mouth . Deport them . These are not protesters . These are thugs who need a good taste of reality . Throw their$#%&!@*in the service . An let them see what the real world is like .
They tried this in lake placid fl. N they got the bad end of it we aint up north n we aint gonna let$#%&!@*happen to our kids or our neighbors
Are the prisons big enough?