This week, the left’s demonization of white America cost them the presidency. But they aren’t stopping the attacks. They’re getting bolder.
Historically, racial groups tend to vote in blocks. Blacks, Hispanic, and Asian Americans all generally vote heavily in favor of same party because they have a sense of shared identity. That’s why rich blacks and poor blacks are almost indistinguishable politically — because they feel their fates are tied.
For years, white Americans have lacked that sense of shared identity. That changed in the run-up to the 2016 election. Suddenly, “whiteness” was under attack. “White privilege” became a buzzword across college campuses. “All lives matter” was deemed hate speech. White men, in particular, began being blamed for all of the world’s problems.
This was all done in order to motivate minorities. It had the opposite effect. Disaffected white Americans turned out for Donald Trump in record numbers — and he won.
Despite the fact that the tactic failed spectacularly, the attack on white Americans is continuing post-election. See images and video from the latest anti-white protest on the next page:
Trump will be the next president he was voted in what don’t they under stand
Clearly a black lives matter riot. What are the white people doing there? Hanging around to be killed?
Liberalism is a mental disorder, characterized by childish behavior, temper tantrums, compulsive lying, inability to distinguish the difference between right and wrong, easily offended by just about everyone and everything , usually do not believe in God, have little knowledge of the facts on a number of important subjects, go around preaching peace, tolerance and acceptance, except when it doesn’t go their way and then they protest, riot, and spread hate speech. It’s their way or the highway. These poor excuses for true Americans are the reason this country has problems.
Get the military involved and pull no punches. obama is completely useless. Find and do what needs to be done with Soros. Rescind all obama’s programs.
Yes, this is all a war on republicans that voted for Trump. It seems to grow in people numbers and in violence. It appears that NONE OF THE DEMOCRATS are speaking to calm them up, which means that they are supporting their violent actions. It also means that the hoodlums are getting paid by someone within the democratic party.
Please end the violence . This didn’t happen in 2008 or 2012. Why now ? We all excepted the ppls vote ! Why is it such a problem now ?
Lol.. Hillary is white too..
Time to put a stop to this . Obama is beyond evil not to at least pretend to uphold law and order.
they’ve only until Jan. 17 th to get away with this s**t