Governments are getting more radical in their persecution of those who don’t participate in the ‘politically correct movement’ sweeping the planet. This is the primary gauntlet being used to absolutely kill off rights, beginning with the freedom of speech.
British prime minister David Cameron will announce new measures to handle Islamic extremism, which will apparently criminalize just holding an opinion.
Cameron is about to deliver a speech to Muslim men and women in the Midlands that will announce counter-extremist operations that will extend from those who break the law all the way to those who “walk up to the border of illegality” and express disapproved-of opinions.
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the gov,t should be locked up…
well good to see we aren’t the only ones who have stupid politicians…they can’t tell you who to like and who not to like..altho now I’m sure if Ovomit saw this, he would make it a law
No way, I am an Christian infidel……
They can live together….as long as Christians are in control/have the most guns…..
Since when is freedom of belief, speech, and thinking wrong. In other words are we all becoming vegetables?
Whoa………who is beheading who?
the problem are these muslims savages that bozo is protecting , the secret service should go on vacation and let the cards fall as they may , he is the problem not the solution here . piece of c**p
they can’t tell us who to like and who not to like…
I don’t like Foreigners period. Its called.” Xenophobia.”
The problem is mooslims do not want to live with Christians!