Governments are getting more radical in their persecution of those who don’t participate in the ‘politically correct movement’ sweeping the planet. This is the primary gauntlet being used to absolutely kill off rights, beginning with the freedom of speech.
British prime minister David Cameron will announce new measures to handle Islamic extremism, which will apparently criminalize just holding an opinion.
Cameron is about to deliver a speech to Muslim men and women in the Midlands that will announce counter-extremist operations that will extend from those who break the law all the way to those who “walk up to the border of illegality” and express disapproved-of opinions.
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Tell them long as they are legal I have no problem…
Not as long as islam condones having sex with children
Who is demanding Sharia, stop the way meat is cut ,hijab which they do not wear in India and even hear my friends do not have need for it, so why are they trying to sue for it in some places.
don`t like it here go back to the $#%&!@*hole you came from and take that idiot socalled president with you
What I think and feel about muslims are my own. But they are shared by millions of tax payer individuals. Sharia law allows musims to lie to a non-muslim to convert or kill a non-believer. The images coming out of the nations ther are from does not exactly inspite confidence or trust. Americans have a very good reason to distrust any or all muslims. It is called survivial. To threaten the American public from speaking their minds about a potential danger. It is not illegal, but proactive! Muslims do not accept and will never accept societies or religions different from theirs. They want a one world religion, muslim. The authorities are trying to ram these murders down out throat. Honor killings, crucifictions of children, sex slavery, terrorism, raps, murders of un-armed American service men and women. Why should we put up with this B.S. for one moment. We are Americans, we are free and speaking the truth about these absolute truth to our nations security!
ihat will remain the same and nobody can change that, not even, you really are an ignorant one, aren’t you? muslims can NOT co-exist with anybody who is not muslim. muslims can NOT abide by our cons$#%&!@*ution. world $#%&!@*. Maybe you want to give in to this savage barbaric ideology but we don’t. As you stated, we are a CHRISTIAN NATION and t
Wow, don’t know what happened to my post but here we go again. Gigi, you really are ignorant if you think we will allow obama and his muslims to change our country. muslims can not abide by our cons$#%&!@*ution or co-exist with anybody not muslim, their only goal is world $#%&!@* and we will never allow that here.
There’s no such think as Islamophobia.
Everyone has problems with Islam and Islam has problems with everyone and everuthing,coincidence?
they ‘could’ live near us, unless they start their incessant whining and bullying about what ‘offends’ THEM…and no one is “allowed” to say how they offend others…muslims need to stop bullying people!