Globalist organizations such as the UN and EU have not been faring very well lately. Brexit is a great example of that. And the election of Donald Trump can hardly be seen as a boost to global government — more like a broadside attack. For those who believe there remains a place for nation-states with their unique cultures, this is terrific news indeed.
The passage of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump are just two of the more pronounced signs that the NWO is starting to materialize in a way the globalists never intended. There are more signs of this, especially as relates to the EU. Take a look for yourself on page two.
That will mean one thing Night Night Muslims!
Muslims Migrants your party about to be over!
Give up stupid you made the wrong choice,live with it t**d
I agree with Debra rudolph
But with Americans with our America back along with all other country’s that want to live in peace with each other but desperate with no Muslims that hate us our freedom an religion
New World Order is a crock of$#%&!@* As long as the Muslim Brotherhood is out there raping, beheading, stoning, burning people alive, and treating children as sex slaves this cumbaya c**p is only for someone sucking on too much pot!!!! If you really believe in this c**p, pack your bags and run live with cultures in the middle east. Do not leave your house without a man by your side or you too can lose your head like the lady in the news yesterday trying to buy food for her home! Good luck with your airhead ideas, please do not take any innocent children with you, they deserve to live having fun and not being abused.
With the US leading and Russia taking care of the dirty work. Nice dream.
Let’s leave America the way it used to be.
Brighter days for sure with trump & Pence.. so anxious for Jan. 20th to get here!