Globalist organizations such as the UN and EU have not been faring very well lately. Brexit is a great example of that. And the election of Donald Trump can hardly be seen as a boost to global government — more like a broadside attack. For those who believe there remains a place for nation-states with their unique cultures, this is terrific news indeed.
The passage of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump are just two of the more pronounced signs that the NWO is starting to materialize in a way the globalists never intended. There are more signs of this, especially as relates to the EU. Take a look for yourself on page two.
A world without Islam is what we need
U make an art ought of stupid Dave
↖️ Click picture to follow me, if you’re confused!! I have many statuses that may grasp your attention that You may want to share. Or maybe, my knowledge gives you something to think about.
If so it’s better than sorses oboma and Hillary one world order
Opinions are like$#%&!@*holes everybody has one.
more bsssssssssssssssssssssssss””””””””””””””””””””’
Billy West “out” Billy, it’s “out”. You’re quite the artist.
Not if the following happens. 1. Obama and Hillary receive the death penalty for Treason. 2. George Soros arrested, prosecuted and imprisioned for life and all his assets frozen.
3. We get COMPLETELY out of the U.N. and get the U.N. out of the United States.
4. Many others and Congress members have committed Treason by aiding and abetting our enemies. These people need to be tried for Treason.
5. Cut off all Funding to any country that hates us, discraces us, owes us money, or harbors and/or traines terrorists.
I kept seeing your posts on blogs I was reading and to join or follow you. My thoughts were I’m not following her and who is she? Well this kept occurring and my curiosity was peaked; I went to your FB page and was flabbergasted, I could not believe what I was reading. Someone who had the same thoughts, feelings and instincts about what was happening to our country before and during the Presidential Campaign. I wound up starting at the beginning of your blogs and reading up until today. I have to say it was one of the best reads, I’m happy I stumbled across it. Thank you and I look forward to your daily insights.
I see Great Britten dropped out of the EU today! They are sick of the Globalists just like us in America!