Globalist organizations such as the UN and EU have not been faring very well lately. Brexit is a great example of that. And the election of Donald Trump can hardly be seen as a boost to global government — more like a broadside attack. For those who believe there remains a place for nation-states with their unique cultures, this is terrific news indeed.
The passage of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump are just two of the more pronounced signs that the NWO is starting to materialize in a way the globalists never intended. There are more signs of this, especially as relates to the EU. Take a look for yourself on page two.
If you only knew the real evil lurking under the surface, we are far from ok.
If you only knew the real evil lurking under the surface, we are far from ok.
If you only knew the real evil lurking under the surface, we are far from ok.
You lost me at clicking on page 2
Trump was never accepted by the Manhattan elites in his own city. He was always the outsider. I don’t see him playing ball with NWO globalists. This is the reason for the over the top protests against him.
About fucking time. I prayed so hard for Jesus to send us just one man who will stand for America and he sent trump.i stand by him like I do any good man.and as the crazys who attack him and us remember the bible of David and Goliath.he stood against a man bigger than he ever seen and Jesus said trust me and pick up that rock and have faith for I am with you. The protesters and the riot’s, Obama,Clinton all speaking to creat more chaos. This is the devil showing him self.anger distruction and the belittling of God’s people are devils work the devil won’t go easy he slept in our white house for 8 years stand tall and remember Jesus has your back and the devil wants your soul
Trump chooses half of Wall Street for his cabinet and we are suppose to believe,this guy is fighting against the establishment?? Lol