Globalist organizations such as the UN and EU have not been faring very well lately. Brexit is a great example of that. And the election of Donald Trump can hardly be seen as a boost to global government — more like a broadside attack. For those who believe there remains a place for nation-states with their unique cultures, this is terrific news indeed.
The passage of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump are just two of the more pronounced signs that the NWO is starting to materialize in a way the globalists never intended. There are more signs of this, especially as relates to the EU. Take a look for yourself on page two.
The bible predicts it will happen one day. as a christian you resist any form of globalism and for sovereign nation state and free will of those nation states.the dragon is wounded and dangerous the devil is promised his 7 year kingdom the building blocks for it have been slowly put in place for years, they are taking major setbacks to the plan, will trump be compromised to that evil tyrannical system or be the one standing for the free will nation state without globalist far he is on the right side of history of free independent nation.
Interesting read
Frankly, the Democult claims government by Republicans and Constitutionalist is evil and hellious but government, especially fascist government by Democrats is heaven on earth… “doing the Lord’s work”. Who cares about all those dead State Dept and Clinton Foundation staff… or the dead from Arab Spring, Syrian civil war, from Isis and other Obama funded terrorist groups? This is why Egypt has arrest warrants out for Obama and coconspirator Clinton for war crimes and attempting to over throw their government (a sane one for an insane one).
Screw globalism. It’s only promoted by muslims who want sharia law world wide.
I knew putin was behind the nwo
This is stupid! Im going to make my own new world order with hookers and blackjack!
Sure about that? Globalists smarter than you think.
Trump is the NWO!!! he is not trying to fight them, he is trying to seize control of them!
Look at ukrain today
Oh for fucksake it really didn’t matter which way the wind blew because we are all likely screwed anyways so there’s no point in dwelling on it just live your damn life how you want to and keep it moving!