The United States just lost a justice who supports our most sacred amendments, including the 2nd. amendment.
On Saturday, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died at a resort in Texas. Scalia was staying in the El Presidente Suite of the Cibolo Creek Ranch resort. He was reportedly discovered in his bed clothes with a pillow over his head.
Presidential Candidates weighed in, people gave their condolences and the media’s conspiracy machine came to life.
In the coming months the mettle of the Republican Congress will be tested. There is a theory that they could refuse to vote on President Obama’s selection to replace Scalia, effectively allowing the next President to name a Supreme Court Justice.
The death of Justice Scalia is becoming a subject unto itself. Allegations that foul play is suspected have surfaced and blogs and tabloids are writing and re-writing furiously Buzz is traveling at breakneck speed.
Please see the next page for speculation surrounding on Scalia’s death.
Anthony Tidd, too bad they didn’t check his lungs for fibers.
No Tony, they were in too much of a hurry to cover this up. This wreaks of foul play…
No autopsy? Sounds fishy to me
Oh trust me, I know. My other account is in Facebook jail over an argument people pushed me into. Tony Bellard check me out, I’m sure you’ll find something worth reading
Anthony Tidd Joe Horwath
I too have a Facebook account in jail, this is my alternate lol
I was posting a group of links alleging the murder of justice Scalia and the complicity of Mr Poindexter, Mrs Beebe, and Mrs guevara
A SCJ on a trip, found dead in bed with a pillow over his head. No autopsy is ordered, no autopsy is performed, yet a judge over the phone rules the death as a heart attack without one shred of proof of what actually caused the death. The body is immediately embalmed (which can remove certain ferensic evidence), but the words “fowl play” never cross your mind??? This coming on the cusp of the Supreme Court agreeing to hear Obama’s appeal on his amnesty bill. Can I sell you the Brooklyn Bridge?!!!
Stay blind MORON!