An opt-ed in Politico magazine asks “Is It Time to Ditch the Star-Spangled Banner?” Also this month, CBS Sports rejected an ad featuring a child reciting the Pledge Of Allegiance because it was ‘Too Political’ Anti-American sentiment has certainly been running high recently. Click the link below for full story + video: Star Spangled Banner and Pledge Of Allegiance Both Under Fire
I cant believe grown ass adults even argue over the existance of such a bull$#%&!@*,magical fairytale illusion. Magic isn’t real people.
The pledge was written originally without your imaginary friend being mentioned in it for a reason. People need to take a 7th grade american history class. Keep drinking the cool-aid , sheep!
guess what if Obama dont like the way our Fore Fathers made our Country then Get the hell out of Our country you should mind your own business Just cause you are from Kenya you come to our country an want to change our way of life we dont Need Muslims in our country let the Blow up there own country we have fought to keep them out of our country an here you drag them in with open arms well hopefully when you get put in jail we will have a real President that will Fix the mess that you created cause all you have done was cause a lot of trouble
Not under fire in my home !!!
Most Americans are Lazy, complacent, apathetic pacifists..not good characteristics for maintaining freedom. Remember when America was “the land of the free and home of the brave”? Freedom will not exist without the brave.
CBS should be banned and people should watch movies and sports on other channels just to prove a point. We Americans believe in our Flag and what it stands for.
So much blind patriotism… Conservatives are destroying this country and exploiting the people…
Voter suppression, war after war, war on women, war in Iraq, war on ISIS, war on minorities…
Their is a reason people don’t want to pledge allegiance to a country that supports that
We need to quit watching CBS for this!! None of them tells us the truth, just what they want us to hear or see!!
B O in the Whitehouse . Something STINKS