In a compelling piece by William Patalon III for Money Morning, he tackles the words of Admiral Harry Harris, commander of the U.S. Pacific basin, pointing out that the naval officer had highlighted three immediate risks to the United States in regards to North Korea.
Risk 1: That North Korea will succeed in its efforts to create sub-launched ballistic missiles – an achievement that will put the Mainland United States within range of the threats being made by Pyongyang’s Kim Jong Un.
Risk 2: That China’s militarization of the South China Sea – coupled with its lack of “transparency” (military speak for “we have no damned idea how far they will push things”) – creates a major risk for America and its allies in the Pacific Rim.
Risk 3: And that China and Russia will succeed in creating conventional and nuclear-tipped “hypersonic” weapons – leapfrogging U.S. leadership (and stalled programs) in these areas, resulting in a new-and-real threat that the American military can’t currently defend against.
Kim Jong-un, a man of questionable sanity (as well as deity) has said that he intends on striking the United States and its allies with nuclear weapons. Admiral Harris believes that to be a true statement and takes the North Korean leader at his word. In a lively exchange with Senators and Representatives in Congress, the Admiral went so far as to assure the lawmakers that he disagreed vehemently with their sentiments that Pyongyang would never use nuclear technology against us.
For his part, he went so far as to warn Hawaii to begin beefing up its missile defense systems for fear that they may be an early target.
Admiral Harris’ fear was no so much for those intercontinental missiles fired from the Korean peninsula, so much as those that could be launched by submarines much closer to home.
As for the South China Sea, America has been in a battle of dominance and presence in this body of water for decades. China has claimed that the entire ocean is its to command and to patrol and enforce. The United States has been keeping close tabs on Chinese construction there of artificial islands as military bases, as well as its enforcement on other nations of no-fly zones which encroach upon the very reaches of the Antarctic.
The biggest threat, however, is that of the third risk, which is the construction by China of so-called “hypersonic” weapons.
Read about these, see video on the following page.
But l I behalf don’t see this. They are a bunch of Free to Be You and Me Hug a Tree Hippie douche bags. Free love…free immigration…free genocide.
Liberals are insane Democrats. Communists. Socialists. Progressives. Globalists. They endanger the lives of every man, woman, and child they come in proximity to with their lies and rhetoric. They call everybody names which are only reflections of their true nature. Fascists. Freedom only exists if it is in agreement with their opinion on any given subject. They beat the innocent. They burn property. They destroy livelyhood and all in the name of… sacrifice for their belief. Same principle of 15 dollars and hour. People go into business to make a profit but they expect the business to sacrifice that profit for the large wage. For the greater good. Same principle surrounds the countries safety. They will bring in illegal immigrants and refugees under the guise of doing something good and just. That is until one rapes and kills a girl. Or blows themselves up killing dozens. Or shoots up a mall. Or detonated a dirty bomb. Doesn’t matter how many die. They are all in sacrifice for the greater good.Liberals are a disgrace to this country and to its people.
I agree but feel it’s more of a “Nose in everyone’s sh*t” type posture. Since all they wanna do is create more rules, regulations, and laws. Oh and feckin Taxes… they live for taxes!
Wow!!! This FB post really brought out the Tinfoil Hat Brigade …
Any enemy would be smart to leave hawaii un nuked. hit the west coast. and occupy hawaii. because we could only last so long out here without the ports on the mainland. if they want anu chance of victory over the us that is the path to take.
Oblamer left the USA so very vulnerable.
It’s the US government
We now have a President that will go to war, if necessary to defend our country. Part of the problem is that although President Trump is meeting with many leaders to negotiation peace, however when he meets with people like Putin and now possibly Kim Jung Un, the media be and Liberals either accuse him of a ridiculous “conspiracy” or state that he’s crazy. One of our biggest roadblocks is the biased, unreliable mainstream media. They appear to promote hate and arguments with their stupid polls and personal Hatred and opinions.
The U.S. government is our greatest risk.
Truth is, it’s the psychopaths in the U.S. deep state (the ones DARPA, and the CIA) that keep pushing the boundaries, and then they sound the alarm on anyone else trying to keep up. And if you think they’re all just about defense, you should look into some of the declassified strategies and plans from the cold war. Don’t think that any of that stuff has just gone away. And that includes all the mind control stuff, which they actually perfected, and is how they carry out their false flags. Trillions that just can’t be accounted…. oh, but if you talk about any of this documented, verifiable stuff, you’re just a conspiracy kook.
You have half of the truth. The whole truth is that this so-called “liberal” (if you had any knowledge of the true meaning of the word you wouldn’t use it to describe them) ideology is just a brand. And so is the Republican “conservative” ideology. Just two competing brands – like coke and Pepsi – competing for your brain. For your loyalty. So you pick a side or a team, if you will, and you engage in ideological warfare “the enemy.” But what you don’t know is, yes, both coke and Pepsi are separate corporate entities, with their own hierarchies and bureaucracies, but the main shareholders are all in collusion with each other. I’m fact, through their various trusts and foundations, they own large portions of both companies. And this whole little rivalry between brands, turns out that’s good for business. It keeps the illusion of choice in place, but the bottom line is, regardless of which brand the pee-ons choose, they’re still drinking the same sugary, corn syrup filled, sludge, with the same caramel coloring, with just slight variation of the artificial ingredients. And of course we own the production of all of those base ingredients, as well as holding shares in the brands themselves. Starting to see how the matrix works yet?