Gun sales are up, gun violence is down, except in gun-free zones, yet the left’s deceptive manipulation of numbers make it appear otherwise. They play on fear to press their agenda which is not “common sense” gun control, but complete domestic disarmament.
“Big daddy is a compulsive liar” and will use progressive media outlets to get their lies into the public. The data that media outlets like Mother Jones utilized to make the case that gun violence had increase was gathered exclusively from gun free zones.
The Washington Post demonstrates just the opposite is true. In 1993, there were 7 homicides for every 100,000 Americans, according to the Pew Research Center, utilizing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Twenty years later, in 2013, that number had dropped by almost half, to 3.6, with a total of 11,208 homicides for that year.
Victims of crimes, involving guns, that did not end in death, also has dropped from 725 per 100, 000 people in 1995 to 175 per 100,000 in 2013.
The true numbers are toxic to the left’s rhetoric for gun control. On the following page find out how “big daddy” is falsifying evidence to legitimize its gun grab.
It’s not terriorists he wants to putt on the no fly list… it’s US ! ..//.. The no-fly list that could become the no-gun list ..//..
I suspect Guns in America is like illegals, whatever the government says multiple that by at least 10x
I have wondered if mr Obama gets a commission
That doesn’t make any sense! Do you do drugs!
obama has sold more guns than anyone in history
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A traitor to be OPPOSED and DEPOSED QUICKLY !!
It only makes sense to people watching the whole picture.
Always believed this
Obama, thank you for your help, with gun sales.
Sorry, that you didn’t as well as president.
GOP, should correct your mistakes, and take us back to where we should be, based on the Constitution and Bible.