Gun sales are up, gun violence is down, except in gun-free zones, yet the left’s deceptive manipulation of numbers make it appear otherwise. They play on fear to press their agenda which is not “common sense” gun control, but complete domestic disarmament.
“Big daddy is a compulsive liar” and will use progressive media outlets to get their lies into the public. The data that media outlets like Mother Jones utilized to make the case that gun violence had increase was gathered exclusively from gun free zones.
The Washington Post demonstrates just the opposite is true. In 1993, there were 7 homicides for every 100,000 Americans, according to the Pew Research Center, utilizing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Twenty years later, in 2013, that number had dropped by almost half, to 3.6, with a total of 11,208 homicides for that year.
Victims of crimes, involving guns, that did not end in death, also has dropped from 725 per 100, 000 people in 1995 to 175 per 100,000 in 2013.
The true numbers are toxic to the left’s rhetoric for gun control. On the following page find out how “big daddy” is falsifying evidence to legitimize its gun grab.
Gun shops should send him a thank you not the last month of his term.
Obama wants to control America….bad news for him is it will never happen…..our army won’t go against America so he wants to bring in ISIS to do his deed and that will never succeed……..
This is actually INTENTIONAL. He and the “gun control” crowd of politicians actually own most of the gun companies on the NYSE. Every time they open their mouths, thousands of people swamp gun stores and spend hundreds, even thousands of dollars on stuff they don’t need. Much of that money goes right into those politicians personal bank accounts. Fear and Fury are clearly the “Golden Fs” for motivating the stock market.
They estimate there’s 200,000,000 guns in America when actually their is 10 times that amount….they estimate that from that many households own guns what they under estimate is that most households own from 5 to 15 guns…..I guess if you want them come and get them but when you start to take them there all coming out at one time….
That is the truth. Never had a gun never wanted one. Got one now….bang bang!
When Obama speaks gun sales peak….finally Obama doing something for the economy……..
That’s Obama rap name unintended consequences
He is Surely Mistaken and Sliding Down Hill. See Yah
Dont forget the un ..
Duh,I wonder why!